George Bishop,

B. Eng. Industrial Engineering (1985)
École Polytechnique de Montréal
(416) 258-3221

For over 35 years, George has worked with both management and unions in addressing Work Measurement and Engineered Labor Standards ("ELS") issues. George is recognized as an expert witness in those fields, where he has testified on multiple occasions in various types of litigations including labor arbitration, civil proceedings, and criminal trials. George also acts as a mediator and arbitrator to resolve technical cases involving Engineered Labor Standards.

George's consulting experience spans many industrial sectors that include manufacturing, delivery, distribution and retail operations. His skills have been sought after around the world where he has applied his expertise in Australia, Belgium, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

George taught Work Measurement and Methods Engineering at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering programs at the École Polytechnique de Montréal and the Université de Sherbrooke as well as lecturing at The Ohio State University. George is a certified MOST® trainer.

George is a regular speaker at international conferences and symposiums, where he discusses Engineered Labor Standards related topics. He is the author of a section titled "Purpose and Justification of Engineered Labor Standards" in the Fifth Edition of the Maynard Industrial Engineering Handbook.

Fields of expertise:

Work measurement programs:

In the early 1990's, George developed an approach to implement Engineered Labor Standards based Work Measurement System in unionized environment that was successfully used to deploy workforce management initiative across the entire food distribution sector in Canada. George is considered a pioneer in the development of Discrete Labor Management Systems ("DLMS") in the distribution sector by designing the functional specifications of the first Real-Time DLMS.

Expert witness:

When issues relating to Engineered Labor Standards require litigation, George has help both union and management client resolve those through the mediate and/or arbitration process. On more than 15 occasions, George has been a key witness in advancing his client's case at different levels of litigation including labor arbitration, civil proceedings, and criminal trials.


Being recognized as an expert by both unions and management has brought George to become an arbitrator on cases of a technical nature involving Engineered Labor Standards. Highly technical cases are better adjudicated when an arbitrator has mastery of the subject. George recently arbitrated a case involving a large corporation and a union representing 70,000 employees. The case saw the parties presenting their case of 11 days and resulted in an 82-page decision that put in place fair Engineered Labor Standards.