Alex-Sandra Lajeunesse,

Project Manager
B. Eng. Logistics & Operations (2018), M. Eng. Innovation Management
École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
(514) 817-9247

Alex-Sandra has over 10 years of experience working on work optimization projects. The goal of those projects was to transform the supply chain of our customers in order to affect positive changes that translate in tangible results. My work with G. H. Bishop Global first focussed on diagnosticating the efficiency of supply chain components for large national distribution operations which eventually lead to the implementation and deployment of Engineered Labor Standards ("ELS") in distributions centers.

Alex-Sandra also has experience in letter and parcel distribution and delivery as well as underground mining operations.

Fields of expertise:

Distribution operation ELS implementation:

Alex-Sandra was part of the implementation team of multiple Engineered Labor Standards ("ELS") initiatives that were at the base of successful workforce management projects. These implementation targeted the distribution centers of major companies involved in the distribution of food products, hardware, and electrical components.

Underground mining operations:

Over the last 5 years, Alex-Sandra applied her expertise to underground mining operations, such as gold mining. She focussed on research & development as well as continuous process improvement in the mining industry. These projects lead to significant efficiency improvements and cost reductions.